EHM 2023
Order the EHM 2023 Photo-Book
Two photo-journalists and automotive photographers will be attending EHM 2023, documenting the event through the lens. We will focus on capturing the unique and raw landscape in which we will be traveling, the social aspects of the event and – of course – the cars! We expect to capture thousands of images throughout the week, which will be curated to a series of images which will be published as a «Coffe-table» style photo book. With the amount of cars expected to attend the event we can not guarantee that every single car will be featured.
Our aim is that the book will serve as a high quality and decorative piece and be a valuable souvenir for all participants.
Price: US$ 90 + shipping costs. Early-bird discount: -10% for orders placed prior to the event.
The book will be produced, printed and shipped after the event.
Orders and enquiries; please contact Thomas Larsen; / tel. +47 918 47 848
Kontakt oss angående Event- og pressefoto
Vi svarer deg så fort som mulig så klart, og alltid innen 24 timer på hverdager.

Postboks 43 Råel,
3134 Tønsberg
Kontakt oss
+47 918 47 848